History and Activities

Lake Demontreville and Olson Association (LDO) was incorporated in July 1985. The primary purpose of the LDO at that time was “The Preservation and Restoration of water levels on Lakes Demontreville and Olson and other General Environmental purposes.” Primary activities were to monitor lake levels, monitor environmental aspects of the lakes, and inform residents, City County, and local governing agencies of the conditions of the lakes. In 1987, the Valley Brach Watershed District (VBWD) completed the 1007 project managing floodwaters within the Lake Elmo Tri-Lakes area and water levels, alleviating water level concerns.

For the following 27 years, the LDO focused its efforts on the environmental aspects of the lakes to include clean water, shoreline health, and monitoring of invasive species. In 2009, Eurasian Watermilfoil and Curly-Leaf Pondweed aquatic invasive species (AIS) were first detected in Lake Demontreville and were detected in Lake Olson a few years later. The LDO is now working with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, VBWD, City of Lake Elmo, Washington Conservation District, and Washington County in collaboratives efforts for the health of the lakes to include AIS prevention, detection, and control along with educating the residents and local population on the effects of AIS. Education activities include, but are not limited to, public meetings, postal mailings, email distribution along with planned websites, and other social media. The LDO has received grants from 2014 through 2017 to maintain the health of these lakes for their lake management plans to prevent further AIS distribution.

In 2017, working with the above organizations and the University of Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC), the LDO has restructured its purpose as stated in the February 2018 bylaws: “The LDO is organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes to preserve, protect and improve the waters and shorelines for lakeshore residents and general public use”.  Activities for the LDO include coordination of local lake association joint educational meetings, mailings, email, lake surveys, AIS monitoring/detection and control, and participation in other AIS preventative/awareness activities. The LDO additionally works with the VBWD and Metropolitan Council to gather monitor clarity and collect water samples. Data is currently available here: https://eims.metc.state.mn.us/ and will later also be available on the LDO website.